
What is Hypnotherapy?

It's important that my clients know what happens when they are in a hypnotic state in a therapy session.

Every therapist's pre-hypnotic talk will differ. 

I would start by asking what you know about hypnotherapy.

You may have been to a stage show or seen a hypnotic show on television. That is not what I do.

Is it Safe?

Hypnotherapy is safe, you are always in control, but at the same time, you are also very relaxed.

You will be aware of what is happening, and that is exactly how it should be. The control is with you.

You may be able to remember everything afterwards, but at the time you will hear everything I say.

You can never be made to say, or do, anything you don't want. If I or anyone else were to give you suggestions that you don't morally approve of, you would reject it or come out of hypnosis.

What is the Trance State?

In the relaxed state, your subconscious mind is open to the suggestions spoken by the hypnotherapist.

You are able to hear everything during the hypnosis session.

You may be asked to visualise certain images such as a mountain, a forest, or a river. However, if you can't visualise because you are more auditory (hearing) or prefer to connect to feelings, that is fine. I can work with all your senses to hear, see, touch, feel, smell and taste.

Your body may experience a feeling of being 'light' or 'heavy'; this is perfectly normal. Time may appear to pass more quickly and most of the time you will feel you are able to open your eyes if you wanted to. But because you are in such a relaxed state, it will usually feel more comfortable to keep them closed.

If you experience your eyelids flickering, that is perfectly normal too.

After the hypnosis session, the only difference you may be aware of is feeling more relaxed than usual.

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